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Living In Alignment with Yourself

I am statement word art

Living In Alignment with Yourself

Self Love and Self Acceptance

From the Website, Unity of Farmington Hills.  

Narcissistic Abuse Awareness and Guidance with Randi Fine

Living In Alignment with Yourself

I know that The Universe is the one and only source of my being. Spirit Itself created me. Life Itself lives through me. Love Itself sustains me. I am an important and connected part of this spiritual universe.

If The Universe loves me enough to create me and to give me life, then I can love and respect myself no less. Therefore, I no longer believe in unworthiness, limitation, and shame. I no longer believe that I am undeserving of the best life has to offer. I deserve and accept all the good things in life - for myself and everyone else in my world.

I ACCEPT my own beauty, and I see it reflected in the world around me.

I ACCEPT my own power, and I use it wisely.

I ACCEPT my own worth, and I live abundantly.

I ACCEPT my own love, and I share it freely.

I ACCEPT my own potential, and I live it fully.

My past, my false beliefs, and my feeling of unworthiness no longer limit me. I accept full responsibility for my life, my thoughts, my feelings and my actions. I may not always like what I do or how I feel, but I choose always to love myself in the meantime. Never again will I judge myself as undeserving.

Growing and evolving feels good. Accepting responsibility feels good. Giving myself permission to become the person I was meant to be feels good. And I deserve to feel good about myself and my life.

And so it is.

Having a Positive Self Worth and Self Image

What would happen if we gave up measuring ourselves in terms of inches and years, what we have, and what we have done with our lives, and just celebrated the changes as they came?

What if we stop thinking we need improving and just enjoyed ourselves, our unique feelings and experiences, and believed we are wonderful just the way we are?

What would happen if we gave up our search for truth and happiness altogether and just chose to be truly happy in this moment?

What if, when we looked in the mirror our own best friend would smile back at us and whisper, "You're beautiful," because The Universe loves you just the way you are?

Wishing you whole-life-long joy in your heart and in your world.

~Author Unknown~


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