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Fighting For Children's Rights International Conference 2024

Updated: 1 day ago

Fighting for children's rights international virtual conference

Fighting For Children's Rights

International Conference 2024

Hosted By Family Access Foundation and Steel Partner Foundation

Narcissistic Abuse Awareness and Guidance with Randi Fine




If you can not make it at the time of the event, you may purchase and watch before December 31, 2024. The deadline to receive a refund for this event is August 31, 2024.

Family Access Fighting For Children's Rights Logo

We also will be having our one on one chat that has been a huge success again. It will go from 9 PM-7 AM EDT on Saturday night. This is a time where you can meet on our zoom to talk with others and get support and understanding from other alienated family members. On Sunday night, from 8 PM-10 PM EDT, we offer a time to share your testimony for those who wish to attend. We also plan to make a monthly support group from this time.

​ If you are not available on the dates of the conference, you may still register now and view in its entirety anytime when convenient for you as many times as you wish before December 31, 2024. If you attend the conference live, you too may view again as much as you wish. until December 31st. You must register before the deadline. Please join us.


(Please Note All Times Are EDT)

Saturday, October 5, 2024

9:00-9:05 Elaine Cobb Welcome

9:05-10:05 Dr. Edward Kruk, Keynote Speaker

"The Erasure of Grandparents from Grandchildren's Lives"

10:05-11:05 Melanie Gill

"Liar, Liar Pants on Fire"

11:05-11:10 Break

11:10-12:10 Dean Tong

"False Allegations of Abuse: Navigating the 3 Ring Circus"

12:10-12:40 Q&A Megan Hunter, Moderator

Dr. Edward Kruk, Melanie Gill, Dean Tong

​12:40-1:40 Lunch

1:40-2:40 Dr. Mary Alvarez

"Parental Alienation, Toxic Stress, and your Child's Brain

2:40-3:40 Dr. Kathleen Reay

"Understanding the Realities of a Reunification Program: Dispelling Common Misconceptions"

3:40-3:45 Break

3:45-4:45 Dr. Joshua Coleman

"Reaching Out to your Alienated or Estranged Child: Do's and Don'ts"

4:45-5:45 Dr. Sue Cornbluth

Managing Personality Disordered Co-Parents who Alienated their Children"

5:45-6:15 Q&A Megan Hunter, Moderator

Dr. Joshua Coleman and Dr. Sue Cornbluth

6:15 Elaine Cobb Close for the Day

8:00-8:00 One on One Break Out Room

Alienated family members and professionals, if they wish have a time to discuss their situations and help one another with support

Sunday, October 6, 2024

9:00-9:05 Elaine Cobb Welcome

9:05-10:05 Bill Eddy, Keynote Speaker

"Court Trends: The Trouble with Letting the Children Decide"

10:05-11:05 Chris Turner

"Trusting and Understanding Agents of the Court: Guardian Ad Litem, Amicus, Therapists, Psychologists, Parenting Facilitators, and Court Appointed Professionals"

11:05-11:10 Break

11:10-12:10 Randi Fine

"Confronting the Mirror: Do Narcissists Face their Own Reflections?"

12:10-`12:40 Q&A Megan Hunter, Moderator

Bill Eddy, Chris Turner, Randi Fine

12:40-1:40 Lunch

1:40-2:40 Chris Smith

"Secrets to Litigating Parental Alienation Allegations"

2:40-3:40 Dr. Kelley Baker

"Therapeutic Interventions for Parent-Child Contact Problems with Teens"

3:40-4:10 Q&A Megan Hunter, Moderator

Chris Smith and Dr. Kelley Baker

4:10-4:15 Break

4:15-6:15 Kayden's Law  Panel

​"Kayden's Law: What it is and What to do About it"

Dr. Lynn Steinberg, Robert Garza, and Rabbi Yaakov Aichenbaum

6:15 Elaine Cobb Close of Conference

8:00-10:00 Testimonies 

This will be a time of sharing your testimonies and plans for a support group

​(please let me know if you wish to attend to share your testimony)

Elaine Cobb


Megan Hunter



Edward Kruk


"The Erasure of Grandparents from Children's Lives"

This presentation will reveal the results of the first-known study examining the experiences of grandparents who have never seen their grandchildren. Sixty-four grandparents participated in an in-depth research study examining their experiences and the challenges associated with being completely excluded from the lives of their grandchildren. Results reveal a number of surprising findings, and contrast the experiences of alienated grandparents who have never seen their grandchildren with grandparents who were alienated after having developed a relationship with their grandchildren. The study sheds light on a growing population of elders previously unexamined in family research.

Edward Kruk, MSW, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Social Work at the University of British Columbia, specializing in child and family policy, who also practices family mediation in Vancouver.  His recent research projects have focused on co-parenting after divorce, family mediation, and parental alienation.  He has over 40 years of clinical and community work experience as a professional social worker.  He received his BA and MSW degrees from the University of Toronto, and his doctorate from the University of Edinburgh, where he studied as a National Welfare Fellow.  His professional experience also includes a faculty appointment with the University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work, family practice with Catholic Family Services in Calgary, medical social work practice with the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh, school social work practice with the Metro Separate School Board in Toronto, and child protection work with the Metro and Catholic Children’s Aid Societies in Toronto.  He is author of “Divorce and Disengagement” (Fernwood, 1993), “Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services” (Nelson-Hall, 1997), “Divorced Fathers: Children’s Needs and Parental Responsibilities” (Fernwood, 2011), “The Equal Parent Presumption” (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013), and “The Routledge International Handbook of Shared Parenting and the Best Interest of the Child” (Routledge, 2021), and has published widely in a variety of academic and professional journals.

Bill Eddy


"Court Trends: The Trouble with Letting the Children Decide"

Some states and court systems are considering letting children as young as 14 years old have the right to make decisions about whether to have a relationship with one of their parents, if the child can demonstrate sufficient maturity and independence to make such a decision. This would be a huge mistake and based on a complete misunderstanding of family dynamics. This presentation will address current laws being considered, as well as the psychological reasons that children are unable to make “mature and independent” decisions like this in dysfunctional families, especially when children are alienated or estranged from a parent. Knowledgeable adults must be the decision-makers in such cases.  

William A. (“Bill”) Eddy is an attorney, therapist, mediator, and the Chief Innovation Officer of the High Conflict Institute based in San Diego, California.

He provides training to professionals on the subject of managing high-conflict personalities and all forms of disputes. He has presented in over 35 states in the U.S., 7 provinces in Canada, and 12 other countries.

Mr. Eddy is the author of several books, including: BIFF for Lawyers and Law Offices (2024); Mediating High Conflict Disputes; High Conflict People in Legal Disputes; and Splitting: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is the developer of the New Ways for Families® skills training method for potentially high conflict parents in separation and divorce cases, which is being used in over a dozen family court jurisdictions.


Joshua Coleman


"Reaching Out to your Alienated or Estranged Child: Do's and Don'ts"

This presentation will review the kinds of letters and outreach that are most likely to get a positive response from the child. It will look over common mistakes that parents make and how to heal the pain when they refuse to open the door.

Dr. Coleman is a psychologist in private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area and a Senior Fellow with the Council on Contemporary Families, a non-partisan organization of leading sociologists, historians, psychologists, and demographers dedicated to providing the press and public with the latest research and best practice findings about American families.

He currently writes the Dear Doctor column for Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper and has written for The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, NBC Think, The Behavioral Scientist, Clinical Psychiatry News, CNN, MarketWatch, the San Francisco Chronicle, Greater Good Magazine, AEON, Huffington Post, Psychology Today and more. He has given talks to the faculties at Harvard, the Weill Cornell Department of Psychiatry, Ohio State, and other academic institutions. A frequent guest on the Today Show and NPR he has also been featured on Sesame Street, 20/20, Good Morning America, PBS, America Online Coaches, and numerous news programs for FOX, ABC, CNN, and NBC television.

He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed articles and chapters and has written four books: The Rules of Estrangement (Random House); When Parents Hurt: Compassionate Strategies When You and Your Grown Child Don't Get Along (HarperCollins) The Marriage Makeover: Finding Happiness in Imperfect Harmony (St. Martin's Press); The Lazy Husband: How to Get Men to Do More Parenting and Housework (St. Martin's Press); 

He is the co-editor, along with historian Stephanie Coontz of seven online volumes of Unconventional Wisdom: News You Can Use, a compendium of noteworthy research on the contemporary family, gender, sexuality, poverty, and work-family issues.

His books have been translated into Chinese, Korean, Russian, Polish, and Croatian.

Sue Cornbluth


"Managing Personality Disordered Co-Parents who Alienate their Children " 

Many parents coping with parental alienation are also dealing with personality disordered co-parents. It is frustrating and at times even infuriating. Knowing how to respond to your personalty disordered co-parent can reduce your overwhelming stress in dealing with these individuals. Furthermore, learning specific techniques can help you bring peace to your life so you can focus on reunification.  

​In this presentation you will learn 

(1) specific language on how to respond to and avoid emotional arguments (2) setting specific boundaries to avoid gaslighting and (3) letting go of expectations of changing the co-parent. 

 President/Owner of Dr. Sue & You

Dr. Sue Cornbluth is a certified parenting expert, author, coach, and thought leader with international recognition, specializing in high conflict divorce and parental/grandparent alienation situations.

In 2013 Dr. Sue established Dr. Sue & You LLC, a consulting firm working with parents to help them successfully move through their high conflict divorce situations. Her passion and goal are to heal families.  She accomplishes this through her work educating and guiding parents, grandparents and professionals. 

Dr. Sue has an extensive media career. The Dr. Sue Radio Show debuted in 2013, and Dr. Sue and You TV program launched in 2018 on RVNTV and Roku TV. Dr. Sue brings her signature brand of straight talk and compassion and takes dead aim at resolving conflict. Dr. Sue's real-life expertise and deep dives with experts get at the heart of conflicts in relationships in all areas of life, and she delivers powerful, effective, sometimes shocking advice that is always, at her core, compassionate.

Dr. Sue was the Mental Health Contributor on NBC10 in her native Philadelphia and was a contributor for the Emmy Award-winning Lynn Doyle Show. She currently is the parenting contributor to Court TV. In 2021, Dr. Sue was featured in the award-winning documentary “No One Dies From Divorce," winner of the Oniros Film Award NY for Best Web-Series, Best TV series at the Vegas Movie Awards, and Winner of the US Hollywood International Golden Film Awards. 

Dr. Sue holds a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology and has worked as a Psychology Professor at Temple University.

Mary Alvarez


"Parental Alienation, Toxic Stress, and Your Child's Brain"

We are all ‘hard-wired’ to have a physiological response to a very stressful, or even dangerous, situation. The purpose of this brain and body response, also called the “fight or flight” response, is to help us cope and manage whatever it is at the time that is causing an immediate threat to our well-being. Once the threat is over, our brain chemicals and body responses are designed to return to baseline, or normalcy. However, what happens when the high levels of stress, known as toxic stress, never return to baseline and the brain continues to release neuro- chemicals and hormones in high doses?

There is a body of research that has examined the psychological and neurological consequences of brain chemicals and hormones that are released when an individual is living in a chronic, toxic stress environment. How do we infer from the known science on toxic stress what is likely happening to alienated children and their developing brain and developing psyche? Dr. Alvarez will discuss toxic stress and known consequences therein within the context of children who have been undergoing the effects of toxic stress related to being alienated from a parent.

Mary Alvarez, PhD, a licensed psychologist for more than twenty-five years in Texas, has both a forensic and a clinical practice and she specializes in evaluating and treating high conflict families.  As a result of her forensic work in family law as a custody evaluator, Dr. Alvarez has evaluated and witnessed the devastating psychological effects on children whose parents are involved in chronic high conflict, including parental alienation.  Dr. Alvarez recognized the need to focus on prevention and early intervention of parental alienation, so she co-developed a set of programs, Resetting the Family, to evaluate and intervene as soon as possible with high conflict parents and families that include mild and moderate parental alienation as part of the conflict.  Dr. Alvarez is involved in several research projects with university colleagues concerning parental alienation and she is the second author for a book chapter concerning the psychological split continuum that children who exhibit mild, moderate, or severe alienation show. 

Mary Alvarez, PhD, a licensed psychologist for more than twenty-five years in Texas, has both a forensic and a clinical practice and she specializes in evaluating and treating high conflict families.  As a result of her forensic work in family law as a custody evaluator, Dr. Alvarez has evaluated and witnessed the devastating psychological effects on children whose parents are involved in chronic high conflict, including parental alienation.  Dr. Alvarez recognized the need to focus on prevention and early intervention of parental alienation, so she co-developed a set of programs, Resetting the Family, to evaluate and intervene as soon as possible with high conflict parents and families that include mild and moderate parental alienation as part of the conflict.  Dr. Alvarez is involved in several research projects with university colleagues concerning parental alienation and she is the second author for a book chapter concerning the psychological split continuum that children who exhibit mild, moderate, or severe alienation show. 

Kelley Baker


​"Therapeutic Interventions for Parent-Child Contact Problems with Teens"

This presentation is well suited for those practitioners and parents interested in ideas for managing parent-child contact problems with teenagers.  The developmental phase for teenagers is that of identity development.  They are naturally seeking ways to increase their independence and differentiate themselves from their parents.  In fact, they need to do so to move into healthy young adulthood.  This presentation will discuss how healthy teenage development is thwarted by alienating behaviors and loyalty binds and provide some ideas for treatment approaches, which can be used in the therapeutic setting and adapted to real-life situations for parents.

Kelley Baker has provided services to families going through divorce and separation for 26 years. She has a doctorate in Personality, Developmental, and Social Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin.  Dr. Baker also holds a master’s degree in program evaluation and a master’s degree in counseling and guidance. She has served on the board of the International Council for Shared Parenting and currently serves on the board of the Parental Alienation Study Group.  She has served as an expert in cases involving parental alienation in New Mexico, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Texas.  Dr. Baker conducts parental alienation assessments, child custody evaluations, and serves as a Guardian Ad Litem, subject matter expert, and consulting expert. She has presented at the Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico Bar Associations on the assessment and treatment of parental alienation.  Her publications have included chapters in scientific-evidenced based books on forensic psychology and domestic violence.  She is currently under publishing contract for a book on therapeutic interventions for parent-child contact problems, which she expects to be released by the end of the year.

Melanie Gill


      "Liar, Liar Pants on Fire"

​Lying!! It’s the elephant in the room on court cases, professionals don’t like to say it outright and yet if we knew for sure it would solve cases quicker. At the end of the day everybody lies including children caught up in cases where Parental Alienation is present. False Allegations are common. How lies are manifested, and the analysis of credibility needs forensic expertise missing in too many court cases. There are very different sorts of deception including self-deception to the point of factitious presentations and the delusions in folies a deux. A special kind of betrayal dominates alienating relationships which harms childrens developing brains and causes serious psychological injury passing down through the generations. It needs calling out in every case. Getting to the truth helps heal the pain and get to what on earth went on’.

‘Melanie Gill is a UK -based attachment specialist, psychologist, and forensic consultant. She uses evidenced based assessments with a focus on attachment science. She specializes in assessing adults, adolescents, families and children, formulating, and monitoring treatment and intervention plans, and uses innovative multi-disciplinary approaches that seek to assess attachment dynamics resulting in psychological problems, psychopathology, and risk, as effectively as possible. Her work places an emphasis on understanding the often-complex history behind an existing family dynamic, on the basis that a child cannot be assessed in vacuum, nor can parents and adults be understood separately from their children, other family members and their family history. She has been a political campaigner for children for many years and has recently been made Head of Psychology at The Change for Children International, an organization finding novel solutions to family court cases, and she continues to work as an Expert Witness. She is passionate about bringing psychological science and knowledge into Family Courts to improve the lives and understanding of complex families and how all humans develop.

Kathleen Reay


"Understanding the Realities of a Reunification Program: Dispelling Common Misconceptions"

There is a widespread presence of misconceptions and inaccuracies concerning well-known four-day intensive reunification programs. This presentation is designed to address and rectify these misunderstandings by presenting 12 key insights into the true processes and methodologies employed in these initiatives. Utilizing a comprehensive multimedia approach that includes slides, photographs, videos, interviews, scientific research, and further resources, Dr. Reay aims to offer an accurate and immersive understanding of what truly transpires in these programs.

Dr. Kathleen M. Reay is an internationally recognized expert in high-conflict divorce, parental alienation, parent-child estrangement, and child emotional abuse and related trauma. Dr. Reay has significant experience providing print, radio, podcast, and television interviews worldwide. Her clinical career has been dedicated to helping alienated children and their families move forward. She has worked with 5,000 plus alienated children and their families in varying roles: clinical practitioner in private practice, child custody evaluator, expert witness, coach, consultant and the Founder and Clinical Director of the Family Reflections Reunification Program for Severely Alienated Children and Their Families. Dr. Reay is the author or co-author of several peer-reviewed published Parental Alienation research studies. Her 2011 book "Toxic Divorce: A Workbook for Alienated Parents" won International Book Awards in 2012 – 1st Place Winner in the Parenting/Family: Divorce category and Award-Winning Finalist in the Self-Help: Relationships category. Dr. Reay’s newest book “Blindsided by Parental Alienation: Proven Strategies to Reconnect with Your Child” will be published soon.

Chris Smith


“Secrets to Litigating Parental Alienation Allegations”

The manner and arguments used in defending against alienation, or even defending an allegation of PA, make the difference in the success or failure of one's case. There are legal arguments often overlooked that may benefit your case. Chris Smith dives into the strategies and positions and real life scenarios which could mean the difference in the success of your case.

Chris Smith is a tireless advocate for parental equality and the rights of Fathers. He has a passion for advocating for parents who are being alienated and kept from their children and it shows by his willingness to take on difficult cases. As the founder of The Smith Firm, Chris provides legal services to clients in Oklahoma and across the Midwest in the areas of domestic litigation and family law issues, including high-conflict and hard to litigate custody cases. Chris's clients include individuals, business owners, and professionals who find themselves in a high stakes divorce or custody disputes. Mr. Smith received a Bachelor of Science from Oklahoma Christian University in 2001. He then went on to attend The University of Oklahoma College of Law and earned a Juris Doctor in 2004. Over the course of his career, Mr. Smith has dedicated himself to advocating for his clients and their rights. He understands that personal and business issues can often be connected and he believes that the relationship between an attorney and his clients should be a partnership. For that reason, he strives to work with his clients to reach positive resolutions that meet their needs. Chris is the author of the Oklahoma Divorce Guidebook which is available at his firm's website, as well as Faithfully: Issues of Faith & Family Law in the 21st Century. Staying active in the legal community is a priority for Mr. Smith. He is a member of numerous associations, including the Family Law Section of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the Texas State Bar, the American Bar Association Family Law Section, and the Oklahoma County Bar Association. He has spoke at South-by- Southwest, pitched at the Clio Cloud Conference, and presented on various issues relating to law and technology. Mr. Smith has also provided commentary for television and print media on issues of legal policy that affect workers in the legal field. Chris Smith may be reached at, or follow him on Instagram and Facebook at @attychrissmith or visit 

Randi Fine


"Confronting the Mirror: Do Narcissists Face Their  Own Reflections? " 

Can those with narcissistic personality disorder be described as inherently sadistic individuals?  Is there a sense of pleasure derived from inflicting pain on those around them? How do they manage to sleep peacefully and live with themselves, despite being aware of the immense destruction they inflict upon others?  Furthermore, how do they successfully manipulate, distance, and isolate children from their loving parent without experiencing any remorse? Can we attribute a lack of conscience or empathy to their behavior? Randi Fine, an expert in narcissistic abuse, a narcissistic abuse recovery coach, and published author on this topic, will delve into the common queries that plague individuals unfortunate enough to have encountered narcissistic abuse and subsequent parental alienation. 

Randi Fine is a dedicated pioneer in the narcissistic abuse movement, an internationally renowned Narcissistic Personality Disorder Abuse Expert and Recovery Coach.

Randi is the author of the groundbreaking book, Close Encounters of the Worst Kind: The Narcissistic Abuse Survivors Comprehensive Guide to Healing and Recovery Second Edition, its official companion Close Encounters of the Worst Kind Comprehensive Workbook for Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse, and the compelling memoir, Cliffedge Road.

As a Coach, Randi specializes in (but is not limited to) helping others work through issues relating to relationship codependency, narcissistic personality disorder abuse, emotional trauma, boundary setting, the residual emotional charge of the past, and unhealthy guilt.

Her blog Narcissistic Abuse Awareness and Guidance with Randi Fine is read in 180 countries around the globe. She has hosted the podcast, A Fine Time for Healing: A Sanctuary for Your Emotional Well-being for over twelve years, and has interviewed over 500 guests. On her popular show she chats with the top people in their fields, discussing self-help and spiritual life-skill topics that heal and enhance the life experiences of others. Randi resides with her husband of 36 years in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Dean Tong


"False Allegations of Abuse: Navigating the 3-Ring Circus" 

When one is wrongly or falsely accused of child abuse; e.g. child sexual abuse and/or child physical abuse, it is a horrific and psychologically traumatizing experience. Because most cases are reported to and investigated by Child Protective Services (CPS) and/or the Authorities, the alleged offender can be fighting or litigating in multiple courts against multiple adversaries. Most cases of alleged child abuse will not contain forensic evidence or physical/medical proof, and are prosecuted and tried via res gestae or out of court (hearsay) statements from the mouths of babes (children). So, when you, the accused, receive word from a government official's knock on the door at your home or work that your daughter has accused you of sexual abuse but that there's no medical evidence, don't think you're home free. You're not. Because the law in all 50 States allows for a child's sexual abuse outcry to represent an exception to the Hearsay Rule, or a child telling a therapist, nurse or physician "you touched her pee pee," known as the Medical Provider Exception to the Hearsay Rule, that child's version of events or statements made to professionals is coming into evidence onto the Record in Court. What's worse is the number of Courts the accused can wind up litigating in very quickly. A well-intentioned mom can file an Ex Parte Injunction or Restraining Order on behalf of her child because her daughter made a statement to her about daddy touching her privates. The Judge in that case could order CPS to Court who in turn can call the Police and then the alleged child victim is transported to the local Child Advocacy Center (CAC) where she'll undergo a forensic interview. A poorly conducted child forensic interview that contaminates a child's informational responses can be damning for the accused leading to possible criminal arrest and prosecution,  juvenile dependency/TPR case, and/or his name placed on the State's Child Abuse Registry forcing an Administrative Appeals case. The accused is now faced with litigating in The 3-Ring Circus.

Dean Tong holds a Master of Science Degree in Psychology and the Law in the field of child forensic studies. He is a published author of 3 books and his last book Elusive Innocence: Survival Guide for the Falsely Accused (2002) was published as a peer review article in the May/June 2006 issue of The American Journal of Family Therapy. In addition, Mr. Tong conducted a scientific study on the issue of men and fathers and their risk in alleged child sexual deviancy court cases in the May/June 2007 issue of The American Journal of Family Therapy.

As a Forensic Trial Expert, Dean Tong has just under 30 years of professional experience in assisting Attorneys and parents embroiled in very high-conflict and contested child abuse and child custody cases nationwide. He is a nationally certified and registered child forensic interviewer and certified forensic consultant for the defense in these protracted court cases. He has testified over 65 times as an Expert Witness in multiple areas of Psychology and Social Science in criminal, family, juvenile and administrative courts of law from 19 States. He has been approved by Criminal Court Judges in a dozen States as an Expert for the defense in cases where accused litigants have been declared indigent and cannot afford to retain independent expert witnesses.

​Mr. Tong has helped destitute fathers and mothers in seemingly unwinnable court cases against the Government and opposing parents. And for the past 15 years he has donated a vast amount of his time affording parents on Facebook who have limited resources, his Expert advice. He is a 2018 and 2019 recipient of the Marquis Who's Who Lifetime Achievement Award. He has appeared in the national media scores of times as he's been published in The National Enquirer five times, Christian Science Monitor,, Rolling Stone Magazine, the Washington Post to name a few and seen on ABC Prime Time Live, Dateline, CNN Nancy Grace, Court-TV, CBS 48 Hours and Dr. Phil.


This panel will be focused on Kayden's law and other legislation and how to have success.  This is very important to both our children and our grandchildren in that reunification is most important. for our families. Our focus will be how to be successful in each state over Kayden's Law. Should be an excellent panel with people who have worked much on this.

Lynn Steinberg


     Dr. Lynn Steinberg will be discussing what Kayden's Law is and the history of it and what should take place going forward.. Dr. Steinberg was chosen for this panel because she successfully fought Kayden’s Law (now renamed Piqui’s Law in California) in 2022. She was unsuccessful in 2023. 

Dr. Lynn Steinberg has been a therapist for 50 years. Throughout the years she has focused on domestic violence and sexual abuse. As an expert witness in the courts, she adds to her expertise parental alienation, coercive control and false allegations. She testifies throughout the country and even the world. Dr. Steinberg was the first expert witness to use coercive control as a form of domestic violence  and therefore parental alienation. She has written a book “You’re Not Crazy: Overcoming Parent /Child Alienation”, a self-help book for alienated parents in the court system. Dr. Steinberg has also dealt with the legislature in California regarding Child Testimony in the courts and Kayden’s Law.

Rabbi Yaakov Aichenbaum


   Yaakov Aichenbaum will be discussing how to inform legislators about the the misinformation that these bills are based upon and the public policy deception that they entail. He will speak on troubleshooting, writing letters to committees, setting up meeting with legislators, and providing information to individuals in states for them to help in amending or stopping this law.

Rabbi Yaakov Aichenbaum is a special education instructor. He has a passion for correcting misinformation about parental alienation.  This passion has led him to get involved in challenging legislation that that is based on misinformation about parental alienation such as Kayden’s Law. He has also coauthored three analyses that expose the vast misinformation, disinformation, and public policy deception contained in the Child Safety First Report, the Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against woman and girls that denies the reality of parental alienation, and in the book Challenging Parental Alienation.

Robert Garza


​     Robert Garza  will be speaking about SB718 “Time Taken Time Back”. Why it was started, what it does, and how it can be in every state. He will also cover the new law in Texas HB969. Why it was started, what it does, and how it can be in every state.

Robert Garza is an advocate for children and parental rights and on a mission to change the family court systems for the betterment of families.  Robert Garza was the author with Senator Angela Paxton in Texas for SB-718, entitled the “Time Taken Time Back” bill. It’s now a law in Texas. This law fixes a fundamental liberty and a parental right. It brings healing and allows the child-parent relationship bond to be rebuilt from the lost time that was taken only on precaution by the court. 


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